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Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-27 23:40:54
Re:EAP 610 outdoor no longer broadcasting SSIDs after 20230922 update
@treas I just upgraded last night and instantly regret it... but my problem is that my 2.4GHz IoT devices can't connect to EAP610-Outdoor... I had to disable 2.4GHz on that AP forcing my devices to...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-27 18:09:14
Association Timeout after Firmware upgrade to 1.2.3 Build 20230922 Rel. 67667
Last night I saw there was a firmware upgrade for my EAP610-Outdoor so I went ahead with the upgrade. Since then I see the logs filling up with Association Timeout errors from my 2.4GHz IoT devices....
Forums/ WiFi
2023-09-11 12:31:45
Re:WPA Authentication Timeout or Failure
@Hank21 Hello Hank21... Great to see this will hopefully be looked at now, but I'm curious why it wasn't taken seriously months ago when I first reported it. Is there another spot I can reports bugs?
Forums/ WiFi
2023-06-19 13:40:55
Re:WPA Authentication Timeout or Failure
@Fae Perhaps you haven't read the other comments in the thread... There is most certainly a problem with the EAP650 (and maybe other devices), after about 1 day the 2.4Ghz devices drop off the...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-05-26 15:07:54
Re:WPA Authentication Timeout or Failure
@Virgo Any config change gets devices connected back to the AP for about a day. My current workaround is to disable 2.5GHz on the EAP650 which forces all 2.4Ghz clients to connect to the...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-05-24 16:53:46
Re:WPA Authentication Timeout or Failure
@Giang97 No I have not done this... and I would not accept this as a valid solution. I have run my setup for years with Asus access points where both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz broadcast the same SSID and no...