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Forums/ Deco
2024-04-18 12:20:32
Re:Restore config in the app
@jupiter have you tried force closing the app on your phone? I keep getting errors where the app thinks I'm setting up for the first time, but if I force close the app and reopen it the network...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-18 10:19:42
Re:Deco app bug
@David-TP system log finally sent, I thought the issue had resolved itself until it happened again this morning so the logs should at least be fresh and have a record of the incident
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-17 12:10:40
Re:Slow Upload Speed Deco E4
@Hub24 it's probably also worth stating what speeds you SHOULD be getting from your ISP, as well as the network equipment you've got: Is the Deco plugged straight into a fibre optic modem in the...
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2024-04-17 09:18:26
Re:Network Names
@Pirateghost I would definitely add this the the feature request forum as well or find a similar post to upvote it
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-15 13:33:25
Re:IP address on HP Printer is different from IP address on the Application
@UM-SG does the printer work or is the IP clash stopping it from functioning? My next question would be is the IP wrong in the printer's app or the Deco app? Finally, do you have multiple networks...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-15 08:04:44
Re:What are my best option to penterate walls?
@Blackbeard_teac it really depends on where you plan on putting the mesh routers and if you're connecting them via wired backhaul or not. A floorplan would be helpful too but if you're concerned...