Requests & Suggestions
2023-09-29 15:19:58
@Fae This request was posted over a year and a half ago and this past January you led us to believe you were working on an implementation for Local DNS server. Now in June you give us this post that...
Requests & Suggestions
2023-06-20 10:57:00
In Preferences > IPGroup > IP Address Domain Name is not an option for entering the IP Address. I need this because I use DDNS to resolve IP address of my remote routers. For example, Domain Name is...
Requests & Suggestions
2023-06-20 10:46:44
Thanks Virgo but, I do not use the controller. All my ER7206's are managed standalone. I have tried and decided not to use the controller. My request is to add Enable/Disable to Firewall > Access...
Requests & Suggestions
2023-06-17 12:41:08
Without enable disable function on Access rules you must delete and re-add the rule when you want to make changes to elements used in the rule. If you added enable/disable you would not have to.
Requests & Suggestions
2023-01-23 18:06:29
Please add a Connected Devices tab to the System Status page. Objective The Connected Devices section displays the Host Name, Internet Protocol (IP) Address, Media Access Control (MAC) Address, and...