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Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2022-11-09 22:51:24
Re:TP Link Archer MR600 V2 NAT problems while gaming on PS5 & my Xbox Series X
@Sunshine Hi, i checked my ip address in advanced and they start with 10, so its in the class A ip addresses. ive tried searching that whats is my ip, and that's coming up 213 at the start of it,...
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2022-11-08 14:46:48
TP Link Archer MR600 V2 NAT problems while gaming on PS5 & my Xbox Series X
Hi, ive got this 4G router and ive had it for around 7 months so far. I'm using it with my EE (UK) unlimited sim card inside it. I'm a gamer, im well happy with the speeds im getting from it from...