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Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-09 00:12:54
Re:Server log: Known wireless client handled as wired client
@Virgo The EAPs are not connected to an unmanaged switch.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-27 02:05:37
Server log: Known wireless client handled as wired client
What is the reason why the wireless client was handled as a wired client? [client-inform-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.c.d.a.s(210): Known wireless client CLIENT-MACADDRESS is informed by switch:...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-20 00:30:37
Re:Attack Defense TCP SYN Flooding
@crrodriguez I know ISPs don't care about DoS protection unless they offer that add-on service. Right now, I am sure that the TCP SYN Flood came from my primary WAN. I hope on the next update, they...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-19 05:27:41
Re:Attack Defense TCP SYN Flooding
@d0ugmac1 I hope someone from the moderators can help us mitigate this kind of concern. I frequently receive TCP SYN FLOOD attacks that last 2-3 minutes and are logged every 5 seconds.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-02-17 09:07:35
Attack Defense TCP SYN Flooding
Hi All Is there a workaround to minimize the attacks, especially the TCP SYN Flooding? I tried to set a gateway ACL and put all detected IPs into a group and deny them from accessing the gateway...
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-20 01:53:46
Re:SNMPv3 Authentication Method and Encryption Type
Thanks! This solved the problem.