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Forums/ Deco
2022-01-15 23:39:27
How do I block domains/website from a top tier/upper level?
Trying to block domains from a top tier/upper level. I noticed I can do this from profiles, but how can I do this without creating profiles? It seems my old router can do this....
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-14 18:45:00
Deco is the #1 best seller on Amazon, how is it missing basic security features?
This came from a screenshot from an old router from 5+ years ago, that I just pulled out of the closet. Yet something I bought this year, the Deco S4R, doesn't have such features!? How does that make...
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-14 03:57:41
Re:disable wifi altogether at night time
@ioa2nis Don't put legitimate science such as vaccines and round earth as the same category as "Wifi can cook your food the same as a microwave." There are no health risks from exposure to...
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-13 18:32:57
Re:disable wifi altogether at night time
ioa2nis wrote None it’s the logical thing, for those who have 5 units in the house and don’t want to be exposed to their radiation 24/7 they can limit that by switching them off at night. The...
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-13 03:45:15
Re:Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls
@7dwergen But your kid on the guest WiFi and just turn off the entire guest Wifi at night... Also, this thread is 2 years old - how is something so basic still not a thing?
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-13 02:55:16
Re:disable wifi altogether at night time
I'm curious, is this a culture or regional thing - why would you need to turn off the Wifi in the entire house? There goes your ring or security devices, any updates for your desktop/workstation, or...