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Forums/ Routers
2024-08-28 09:15:42
Re:ER8411 V1 1.2.2_Build_20240809 Pre-Release Firmware (Updated on Aug 12th, 2024)
@MR.S Looks I have an Idea about "crutches" +one more Wan at er8411 in Static IP mode +er605 as OpenVPN Client +static routes all I need to this Wan! Looks awfuly stupid but will work.. Thanks! I...
Forums/ Routers
2024-08-28 08:54:21
Re:ER8411 V1 1.2.2_Build_20240809 Pre-Release Firmware (Updated on Aug 12th, 2024)
@MR.S hmm... do you mean routing had to be provided only from OpenVPN server? even for ER8411 clients before the NAT? it is very disappointing information.... i hope to upgrade L2TP to OpenVPN by...
Forums/ Routers
2024-08-28 00:30:56
Re:ER8411 V1 1.2.2_Build_20240809 Pre-Release Firmware (Updated on Aug 12th, 2024)
Thank you for the fast reply! @MR.S Here what I wrought about! Developers just forgot to add OpenVPN interface here.... Also OpenVPN interface not available for Policy_Routing... (( Best Regards!
Forums/ Routers
2024-08-27 17:24:47
Re:ER8411 V1 1.2.2_Build_20240809 Pre-Release Firmware (Updated on Aug 12th, 2024)
Hello everybody! I need some help with my OpenVPN client at ER8411 router. The tunnel is already setupped and working fine but I can’t route any traffic to this tunnel.. (( There is NO interface...