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Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-27 05:27:17
Different SSID for EAPs
What is the best way to setup different SSIDs on different EAPs, at the moment I'm using WLAN groups. I have two EAPs and setup each one to a WLAN group, EAP1 is closet to some fixed light switches...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-08-27 05:06:47
Chromecast discovery
I have this weird behavior that out of my 2 EAPs, one of them just doesn't discover chromecast devices consistently while the other is perfectly fine. They are all wired to the same switch and it is...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-09 05:09:45
Re:Force reconnect IoT devices
Reboot schedule hasn't worked since moving to 5.x and don't really want to reboot my AP just to force a few clients to reconnect. However since these IoT devices are on its own SSID, I can schedule...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-08 02:31:07
Force reconnect IoT devices
Is there anyway to automate forcing devices to reconnect, I have a few light switches that after a few days become slow and less response. I've set them up on a single EAP to prevent Roaming which...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-06-27 14:04:12
iOS devices keep forgetting network
I have a few iOS devices and every few days one of them just forget my wifi network. It's not that it fails to connect it actually forgets the network and i have to manually add it back. I've had...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-03-21 00:01:04
Re:Reboot schedule fails
I have this problem as well, it worked at some point but it broken now. I think it worked with any builds before version 5 was released.