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Forums/ Routers
2021-05-24 06:28:54
Re:Help a Noob Trying to Speed Limit a Group of IP Addresses
turns out the only solution was to get rid of this horrible Omada controller software and use the generic GUI. So this means theres no chance of loggin in remotely like i had planned to. MEH
Forums/ Routers
2021-05-07 06:35:05
Re:Help a Noob Trying to Speed Limit a Group of IP Addresses
@1207 thanks mate, right so ive been ading each one individually without anything at the end, no / 32, is that likely not to work?
Forums/ Routers
2021-05-06 14:51:45
Help a Noob Trying to Speed Limit a Group of IP Addresses
Im just a regular non-technical guy desperately trying to understand networking, so please, Layman's terms only. I have a TP link router, ER7206, and using Omada software controller. I have...