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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-02-06 20:03:53
Re:ER605v1: need of sha2 and dh14 options in IKev2 VPN settings
@Fae thanks for your quick feedback, as usual ! But to be more precise, current ER605v1 firmware already includes IKev2, however options such as sha2 and dh14 are missing. Did you mean you think...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-02-05 13:31:29
RE:Add more forms of Authentication for IKEv2 VPNs
I concur to this request, I would like to connect to my local network (with a ER605v1 router) with a pc running windows, and using IKev2 protocol. I did not manage to do so, windows requesting...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-02-05 08:59:25
ER605v1: need of sha2 and dh14 options in IKev2 VPN settings
Hi all, I own a v1 of ER605, and I don't have access to sha2 neither dh14 when setting an IKev2 VPN connection. Unfortunately it seems I need it to make an IKev2 VPN access to my local network from...
Forums/ Routers
2022-03-20 07:22:54
Re:I can't access my modem in remote access via Openvpn
@John1234 Hi John, many thanks for your feedback. I could make some testing today : when remotely connected with openvpn (either openvpn gui or openvpn connect) : - I can access to all my devices on...
Forums/ Routers
2022-03-14 20:53:13
Re:I can't access my modem in remote access via Openvpn
@John1234 Hi, thanks for your reply. I tried without success: - destination : - subnet : - next hop : - interface : I tried either WAN or LAN, not being sure,...
Forums/ Routers
2022-03-12 14:48:19
I can't access my modem in remote access via Openvpn
Hi all, My setup is the following : my ISP provided gateway is on local segment 192.168.1.x, on which is connected my ER605 router : - Isp Gateway = - ER605 Router (wan side) =...