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Forums/ Controllers
2021-07-03 20:13:16
Re:OMADA Software Controller
@Fae - Answering for myself (but reasons will probably be the same for many): Because: There's no good reason an online account is required for this feature. I don't want my network access dependent...
Forums/ General Discussion
2021-07-03 19:06:18
Re:A bunch of Spam here
@MarkKlaus3 Can't tell if you were just joking or serious. Here, two months ago. I reported/flagged a couple posts before realizing there were a lot. They cleaned them out, obv.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2021-07-03 02:31:22
Re:MFA / 2FA for Omada Cloud
@Fae - This really should be be priority 0 for a supposed business-class product. Do you understand the security implications of a cloud account compromise for someone managing multiple sites? Look...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-07-02 18:15:32
Re:TL-R605 not recognized fully as Gateway?
@Fae It *is* a design, as you can see from the confusion, a poor design. Please add it to the fix request list, "Connected" should be green (or a neutral color). I would suggest the "This feature is...
Forums/ General Discussion
2021-05-01 20:07:45
A bunch of Spam here
@Fae - Since you seem to be the one official mod here.
Forums/ Routers
2021-05-01 19:29:59
Re:R605 hardware version confusion
@Fae Thank you, yes it is very confusing between this: And this: Please consider updating the support/firmware download page to clarify.