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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
BE85 Stability Firmware v1.1.1
Hi Recently updated to v1.1.1 of the firmware and in the 6 days or so it has been installed the 2nd node is offline on 5 of those days in the morning. To get it back online I have had to reboot the...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-11-25 11:51:10
Re:One mess over wifi or ethernet?
@Solla-topee Thanks I'll guess I'll have to wait to see then. I dont want to buy another one. Already got burnt before because my other extender was on the one mesh list only for it to be pulled!
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-11-25 08:19:49
Re:One mess over wifi or ethernet?
@Solla-topee That's a real shame but thank you for letting me know
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-11-22 22:58:31
One mess over wifi or ethernet?
I currently have an extender that does not support OneMesh so I am looking to buy a new one as my AX6000 router supports it. The question I have, does the one mesg link to the router only work over...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-11-22 22:54:10
RE605X v RE600X
Can anyone tell me the difference between the RE605X and the soon to be launched RE600X? the spec seem the same yet one has built in antenna and one has external, would this effect performance?...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-03-19 11:36:52
Re:OneMesh support for RE650
I live in the UK and bought the Re650 as it was said to be getting support last year for one mesh - since then there has been a 'v2' appear on the page and it looks like this is the only one that...