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Forums/ Deco
2021-01-11 16:04:14
Deco X96 (CES 2021) and X90 (CES 2020) - vapourware announcements just for CES
Another Deco X9x announcement from TP-Link that manages to display a "top of the line" specs to the crowd but never manages to actually produce it. Remember Deco X90 announced last year for CES 2020?...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-11 16:01:48
Re:Deco X90 and X96 - vapourware?
Today TP-Link announced an X90 variant being the X96 for Wi-Fi 6E standard. Both products are "Coming Soon" as always. Another vapourware announcement just for CES.
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-25 05:36:06
Deco X90 - vapourware?
April 2020 has come and gone. Q3 revised released date has come and gone. Are we to assume the Deco X90 is now vapourware?