TL-WA854RE Ver.1.2 Slow speed
TL-WA854RE Ver.1.2 Slow speed
Model :
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :
Normal download speed conected to router: 9.1Mb (Main router: TP-link N 300 router.)
Download speed connected to TL-WA854RE: 3.8Mb
The repeater and main router have different SSID name.
The set-up menu on the repeater say 300Mb connect to main router.
My PC say 144Mb connect both direct to main router and connect to repeater..
The signal strength is good.
The total distance is 20 meter w. repeater in center, in open area.
Have tried all possible setup on the repeater, but still bad speed.
My conclusion: The TP-Link repeater TL-WA854RE do not deliver what I exspected.
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :
Normal download speed conected to router: 9.1Mb (Main router: TP-link N 300 router.)
Download speed connected to TL-WA854RE: 3.8Mb
The repeater and main router have different SSID name.
The set-up menu on the repeater say 300Mb connect to main router.
My PC say 144Mb connect both direct to main router and connect to repeater..
The signal strength is good.
The total distance is 20 meter w. repeater in center, in open area.
Have tried all possible setup on the repeater, but still bad speed.
My conclusion: The TP-Link repeater TL-WA854RE do not deliver what I exspected.