WRT841N firmware upgrade via SSH possible?
WRT841N firmware upgrade via SSH possible?
Model :
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :
I've been looking into automating the firmware upgrade process of our routers, and have found that while telnet is closed it does seem to have a SSH port open. As evidenced by this nmap scan:
[code]Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-10-08 08:21 CEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00063s latency).
Not shown: 996 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
1900/tcp open upnp
49152/tcp open unknown
MAC Address: 30:B5:C2:D9:D1:0E (Unknown)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.6.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6
OS details: Linux 2.6.23 - 2.6.38
Network Distance: 1 hop[/code]
However, when I try to log into the service, this happens:
[code]$ ssh admin@
admin@'s password:
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
shell request failed on channel 0
After some searching I've come to find that this is a problem that's either solved by mounting /dev/pts in fstab, which I can't do without SSH access, or by running an interactive session of bash manually. Trying the latter, this happens:
[code]$ ssh admin@ "/bin/bash -i"
admin@'s password:
exec request failed on channel 0[/code]
Even tried with plain old sh, with the same result.
The question then is: Is it possible to upgrade the firmware via SSH, and if so could someone please be so kind as to tell me how?
Thanks. :)
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :
I've been looking into automating the firmware upgrade process of our routers, and have found that while telnet is closed it does seem to have a SSH port open. As evidenced by this nmap scan:
[code]Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-10-08 08:21 CEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00063s latency).
Not shown: 996 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
1900/tcp open upnp
49152/tcp open unknown
MAC Address: 30:B5:C2:D9:D1:0E (Unknown)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.6.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6
OS details: Linux 2.6.23 - 2.6.38
Network Distance: 1 hop[/code]
However, when I try to log into the service, this happens:
[code]$ ssh admin@
admin@'s password:
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
shell request failed on channel 0
After some searching I've come to find that this is a problem that's either solved by mounting /dev/pts in fstab, which I can't do without SSH access, or by running an interactive session of bash manually. Trying the latter, this happens:
[code]$ ssh admin@ "/bin/bash -i"
admin@'s password:
exec request failed on channel 0[/code]
Even tried with plain old sh, with the same result.
The question then is: Is it possible to upgrade the firmware via SSH, and if so could someone please be so kind as to tell me how?
Thanks. :)