Can any product bridge adhoc wifi with (a) infrastructure wifi or (b) ethernet?
Can any product bridge adhoc wifi with (a) infrastructure wifi or (b) ethernet?
Region : UnitedKingdom
Model : TL-WN823N
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
The initial Q I have is whether any of your products can operate as an adhoc wifi client (for a Nokia phone, with internet access, running
Joikuspot and generating an adhoc wifi network) and provide the
internet connectivity on the other side as either ethernet or
infrastructure wifi, for an android tablet (android supports only
infrastructure wifi, or ethernet, as the only means of getting an
internet connection).
It is a Samsung tablet and Samsung have removed bluetooth tethering...
Model : TL-WN823N
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
The initial Q I have is whether any of your products can operate as an adhoc wifi client (for a Nokia phone, with internet access, running
Joikuspot and generating an adhoc wifi network) and provide the
internet connectivity on the other side as either ethernet or
infrastructure wifi, for an android tablet (android supports only
infrastructure wifi, or ethernet, as the only means of getting an
internet connection).
It is a Samsung tablet and Samsung have removed bluetooth tethering...