No internet through Extender on Win7 computer. Works on laptop and iphone. RIDDLE!!
No internet through Extender on Win7 computer. Works on laptop and iphone. RIDDLE!!
Region : Netherlands
Model : TL-WA750RE
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :
Dear All,
Could anyone help me with the following.
I have weak reception on 1 spot in my house so i installed the extender. It works. I got it connected and i have internet on my laptop (running win8.1) through the extender. (It is setup under a different SSID than my main network).
However, my desktop computer does not have internet. It does connect to the extender, and gets assigned An IP, DNS and Gateway but it can't reach the website of the extender or the ip address of the router either by PING or on a browser. If i look in the status window of the Extender i see that my Latop is fully connected (status:WPA-PSK2). while for the deskop it sais(status: STA-ASSOC). If i connect with my desktop to the main network with very bad connection, i do have internet access (On and Off)
probably good to mention, i also have a TP-link ntwork adapter in the desktop.
What have i tried on the desktop:
1. Put in static IP, Gateway, DNS
2. Ipconfig/ release/ renew.
3. Disable IPv6
4. update drivers (already had newest drivers)
5. Deinstall/reinstall adapter
6. Put manually in the HEx key instead of password
On the extender:
1. Enable/disable DHCP on the extender
2. Define authentication instead of automatic
3. tried Mode 2 (WDS)
Any ideas to this riddle?? as my laptop (and iphone) can connect to the internet through the extender, i suspect the Win7/desktop to be the cullprit. But as the Win7-desktop can connect to the main WIFI station without problem, i'm sort of lost in between.
Help is really appreciated!
Model : TL-WA750RE
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :
Dear All,
Could anyone help me with the following.
I have weak reception on 1 spot in my house so i installed the extender. It works. I got it connected and i have internet on my laptop (running win8.1) through the extender. (It is setup under a different SSID than my main network).
However, my desktop computer does not have internet. It does connect to the extender, and gets assigned An IP, DNS and Gateway but it can't reach the website of the extender or the ip address of the router either by PING or on a browser. If i look in the status window of the Extender i see that my Latop is fully connected (status:WPA-PSK2). while for the deskop it sais(status: STA-ASSOC). If i connect with my desktop to the main network with very bad connection, i do have internet access (On and Off)
probably good to mention, i also have a TP-link ntwork adapter in the desktop.
What have i tried on the desktop:
1. Put in static IP, Gateway, DNS
2. Ipconfig/ release/ renew.
3. Disable IPv6
4. update drivers (already had newest drivers)
5. Deinstall/reinstall adapter
6. Put manually in the HEx key instead of password
On the extender:
1. Enable/disable DHCP on the extender
2. Define authentication instead of automatic
3. tried Mode 2 (WDS)
Any ideas to this riddle?? as my laptop (and iphone) can connect to the internet through the extender, i suspect the Win7/desktop to be the cullprit. But as the Win7-desktop can connect to the main WIFI station without problem, i'm sort of lost in between.
Help is really appreciated!