Archer C7 jumbo frames support?
Archer C7 jumbo frames support?
Region : Poland
Model : Archer C7
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version : 3.14.1 Build 140929 Rel.33293n
Hi All!
I'm fresh user of Archer C7 router and i'm quite suprised that it doesn't support jumbo frames on LAN GigE switch.
Old but decent TP-Link 1043ND supported jumbo frames up to 9k size. This is generally not a problem for intel-based wired gigabit cards (they could saturate 1Gig to Synology DS214 easily without killing CPU on MTU 1500) but is a real problem for all Realtek based GigE adapters as they don't perform well on MTU 1500 - I could only get about 500-600 Mbits/s to Synology DS214.
Is it possible to enable jumbo mtu on LAN side or is it hardware limitation of GigE switch inside Archer C7?
Model : Archer C7
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version : 3.14.1 Build 140929 Rel.33293n
Hi All!
I'm fresh user of Archer C7 router and i'm quite suprised that it doesn't support jumbo frames on LAN GigE switch.
Old but decent TP-Link 1043ND supported jumbo frames up to 9k size. This is generally not a problem for intel-based wired gigabit cards (they could saturate 1Gig to Synology DS214 easily without killing CPU on MTU 1500) but is a real problem for all Realtek based GigE adapters as they don't perform well on MTU 1500 - I could only get about 500-600 Mbits/s to Synology DS214.
Is it possible to enable jumbo mtu on LAN side or is it hardware limitation of GigE switch inside Archer C7?