SyncDocs bonjour service
SyncDocs bonjour service
Region : Argentina
Model : TL-WPA281
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
I noted prev fw added support for bonjour services but since the fw notes mention 2 applications by name (airprint and airplay) I was wondering if these were therefore application specific changes and not generic support for most.//all bonjour services?
I am specifically having trouble with SyncDocs, used by ComicZeal app in my case.
Model : TL-WPA281
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
I noted prev fw added support for bonjour services but since the fw notes mention 2 applications by name (airprint and airplay) I was wondering if these were therefore application specific changes and not generic support for most.//all bonjour services?
I am specifically having trouble with SyncDocs, used by ComicZeal app in my case.