Use Internal recursive DNS Server
Before I purchased my Deco M9 system I had a Raspberry Pi being used as my recursave DNS server. The device itsef lives on my internal LAN and my old router was able to forward DNS requests to it. When I got the M9 system it is not able to point to an internal device to be used as DNS it must be outside it's LAN IP Range. The benefits of using an internal recursive DNS is based on the ability to provide privacy on web browsing and block adds while having visibility on the traffic patterns of my internal devices. While I can put the Pi on the WAN side of the Deco I then loose the visibility on what devices are requesting what websites as all the requests come from the Deco WAN IP Address. Could you please provide the functionality to set the DNS server to an internal LAN IP Address. It should be an easy change then we could have the dual benefit of the web protection from deco with the ad removal adn recursive DNS of the raspberry pi.