Slow start connection to internet

Slow start connection to internet

Slow start connection to internet
Slow start connection to internet
a week ago
Model: Deco X60  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version: 2.0.1

Good morning


I am new to this community, and this is my first request, appologize if this has been asked before.


I notice that when starting internet connection ( Windows PC, Iphone 14 or Ipad Pro) it takes quite soime time to connect to internet, sometimes i get message that there is no connection, but after few seconds messagew disappears and connection is established.


I have check togethger with sevice provider any topics on the connetion but there were none.


Can anyone give me solution for this


Thanks and regards




2 Reply
Re:Slow start connection to internet
a week ago



Hi, welcome to our community.

It seems your Deco models is customized by ISP, as its firmware starts with 2.xx.

Do you have other devices and can they connect to Deco network properly?

Here are some suggestions for your reference:

1. Check the problem happens on 2.4GHz connection or 5GHz or both.

2. Please update adapter and OS of your computer and phone/pad.

3. Please connect these devices you mentioned to the Deco guest network to confirm.

4. Please connect these devices to other wireless network to confirm.

5. Set address reservation for these devices for a try.

6. Turn off QoS and reboot Deco network to confirm.

Thank you and best regards.




Re:Slow start connection to internet
a week ago


thanks for your support and proposals, following to your options


1. I do have problems on Winows PCX, Iphone, Ipad and also Denon internet radio.

I am now checking guest netword, will continbue with 2,4 and 5 Ghz,will let you know outcome


Can you advise were to find and turn of Qos


Thanks and best regards




