TI-WDN4800 installs fine, but can't see networks.
TI-WDN4800 installs fine, but can't see networks.
Region : Australia
Model : TL-WDN4800
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
Hello all :D
Hopefully someone can assist with my annoying experience!
Ok, so I bought the above wireless adapter. (and also a different TP-Link one to test with .. exact same issue with both)
PCIe interface.
My system: Windows 7 64bit Ultimate edition
Motherboard: Gigabyte
Installed fine into machine, Windows found it first time, but didn't have reference drivers.
I installed latest driver downloaded from TP Link, and afterwards it wouldn't pick up any networks.
Installed Utility from online to use the software, and it installed fine. Card still won't see any networks.
When I open the TP-Link utility, it is on the 'Advanced' tab, but the only thing *not* greyed out is the 'choose wireless adapter' which is preselected with the installed card.
Nothing else is selectable.
Hovering over the TP-Link utility in my taskbar indicates a status of "Disabled".
I click on this to select to "Radio ON" or whatever, and it responds saying "Can't Open RF in this Mode.".
(apologies for exact wording not being used here.. I am now at work, and can't look at it right now to quote it).
If I go into Windows Connection Manager stuff, it shows the wireless as enabled, but if I go to 'diagnose' it responds saying there is a problem with the adapter.
Things I've tried:
I have uninstalled/re-installed drivers to test.
I have tried the card in different PCIe slots.
I have tried downloading the Atheros drivers which I saw someone online suggest.
I have tried removing utility and having Windows manage, and also with utility.
I took the card back to the store I bought it from and had them test it. It worked fine for them. Connected and stable for over half an hour of streaming youtube video to test.
They were using a Windows 7 64bit Ultimate machine as well for their testing.
I bought another different model TP-Link card (the computer shop didn't carry any other brands :( ) and uninstalled all drivers/utilities, and tried a fresh install with that card.
Exact same result.
What I haven't tried yet:
I saw some forum posts where people had found they needed to tweak bios settings to ensure voltage wasn't cut on sleep? But it seemed to be for a different issue (where it worked, and then the computer slept and it didn't work again).
So yeah, if anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
I've seen a handful of people experiencing this problem, and I am really really not sure what to try next.
( This guy on this forum I saw had the same thing.
I decided to start my own thread though rather than tack onto his.
Model : TL-WDN4800
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
Hello all :D
Hopefully someone can assist with my annoying experience!
Ok, so I bought the above wireless adapter. (and also a different TP-Link one to test with .. exact same issue with both)
PCIe interface.
My system: Windows 7 64bit Ultimate edition
Motherboard: Gigabyte
Installed fine into machine, Windows found it first time, but didn't have reference drivers.
I installed latest driver downloaded from TP Link, and afterwards it wouldn't pick up any networks.
Installed Utility from online to use the software, and it installed fine. Card still won't see any networks.
When I open the TP-Link utility, it is on the 'Advanced' tab, but the only thing *not* greyed out is the 'choose wireless adapter' which is preselected with the installed card.
Nothing else is selectable.
Hovering over the TP-Link utility in my taskbar indicates a status of "Disabled".
I click on this to select to "Radio ON" or whatever, and it responds saying "Can't Open RF in this Mode.".
(apologies for exact wording not being used here.. I am now at work, and can't look at it right now to quote it).
If I go into Windows Connection Manager stuff, it shows the wireless as enabled, but if I go to 'diagnose' it responds saying there is a problem with the adapter.
Things I've tried:
I have uninstalled/re-installed drivers to test.
I have tried the card in different PCIe slots.
I have tried downloading the Atheros drivers which I saw someone online suggest.
I have tried removing utility and having Windows manage, and also with utility.
I took the card back to the store I bought it from and had them test it. It worked fine for them. Connected and stable for over half an hour of streaming youtube video to test.
They were using a Windows 7 64bit Ultimate machine as well for their testing.
I bought another different model TP-Link card (the computer shop didn't carry any other brands :( ) and uninstalled all drivers/utilities, and tried a fresh install with that card.
Exact same result.
What I haven't tried yet:
I saw some forum posts where people had found they needed to tweak bios settings to ensure voltage wasn't cut on sleep? But it seemed to be for a different issue (where it worked, and then the computer slept and it didn't work again).
So yeah, if anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
I've seen a handful of people experiencing this problem, and I am really really not sure what to try next.
( This guy on this forum I saw had the same thing.
I decided to start my own thread though rather than tack onto his.