Web admin interface suggestions/improvements
Web admin interface suggestions/improvements
Region : UnitedKingdom
Model : Archer C7
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version : N/A
Where/how can I suggest user experience improvements to the GUI web admin interface for the Archer C7?
Can I speak to a developer directly?
I have a few suggestions so far which should be fairly easy to do by a developer/programmer. Feel free to add any suggestions/improvements you may have :)
General changes
1. Current font looks too plain. Change font type to tahoma size 10 on all pages however increase font size for headings/navigation panel.
2. Include Hardware version and Firmware version on header of all webpages.
3. Any page which shows a time/duration, make the time ticker count in real time instead of leaving it static.
4. Create a 'Help' section on the navigation panel showing a unified page with all the help sections.
5. Create a unified 'MAC filter' section on the navigation panel for MAC filtering of wired and wireless clients.
6. Seperate various sections on all web pages using a thicker line. For example on status page the word status sits on a long green seperator.
Status (Landing) Page
1. Move the 'system uptime' of the device to the top of the page instead of the bottom and also make the ticker count in real time intead of it remaining static.
2. Include table of the DHCP names, IP Addresses and MAC addresses of client devices currently connnected to the LAN.
3. Include table of wireless clients currently connected to the LAN including DHCP Name, MAC address, duration, Band, Rate (Mbps) and Signal strength percentage.
4. Include Release date of the installed firmware version.
Wireless Statistics Page (for both WIFI bands)
1. include the DHCP name, IP address, Wifi signal strength percentrage, Rate (Mbps) and duration of the device next to the MAC addresses for the clients which are currently connected to the wifi.
Firmware Upgrade Page
1. Include release date of installed firmware version
I may just make an offline mock up of the web interface and make changes to it on the fly to give the developers an idea on how best it would look.
Model : Archer C7
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version : N/A
Where/how can I suggest user experience improvements to the GUI web admin interface for the Archer C7?
Can I speak to a developer directly?
I have a few suggestions so far which should be fairly easy to do by a developer/programmer. Feel free to add any suggestions/improvements you may have :)
General changes
1. Current font looks too plain. Change font type to tahoma size 10 on all pages however increase font size for headings/navigation panel.
2. Include Hardware version and Firmware version on header of all webpages.
3. Any page which shows a time/duration, make the time ticker count in real time instead of leaving it static.
4. Create a 'Help' section on the navigation panel showing a unified page with all the help sections.
5. Create a unified 'MAC filter' section on the navigation panel for MAC filtering of wired and wireless clients.
6. Seperate various sections on all web pages using a thicker line. For example on status page the word status sits on a long green seperator.
Status (Landing) Page
1. Move the 'system uptime' of the device to the top of the page instead of the bottom and also make the ticker count in real time intead of it remaining static.
2. Include table of the DHCP names, IP Addresses and MAC addresses of client devices currently connnected to the LAN.
3. Include table of wireless clients currently connected to the LAN including DHCP Name, MAC address, duration, Band, Rate (Mbps) and Signal strength percentage.
4. Include Release date of the installed firmware version.
Wireless Statistics Page (for both WIFI bands)
1. include the DHCP name, IP address, Wifi signal strength percentrage, Rate (Mbps) and duration of the device next to the MAC addresses for the clients which are currently connected to the wifi.
Firmware Upgrade Page
1. Include release date of installed firmware version
I may just make an offline mock up of the web interface and make changes to it on the fly to give the developers an idea on how best it would look.