Deco X20 Speed too slow
I have since 3 days a tri pack X20's in use. Before this I had a provider specific wifi booster but due to a provider change I got these now.
The hardware situation:
- 1/1Gbps Fiber connection XGS-Pon
- Nokia XS-2426G-B modem (Isp)
- Deco X20
- Zyxel MG108 2.5G Switch
- Everything in Cat6e Hirschmann full-copper
- Main deco connected to modem
- Second and third deco wireless connected
- Switch connected on modem
- Deco configured as accesspoint
- Smart-DHCP disabled (i do NOT want the deco to mess around with its own ip choices)
- Fast Roaming disabled
- Wifi modem disabled
- No QoS assigned
- Latest updates on all deco's
The Problem situation:
- Measuring around 950mbps directly measured on either modem (wired and wifi6), Main deco (wired) and switch (wired obviously).
- Measuring around 230mbps wireless (wifi6) on deco.
- Provider does NOT support bridge, so this is not an option.
- Rebooted the modem.
- I have reset the modem.
- Tried to assign another deco as main.
- Removed the switch.
- Tried with only the main Deco.
- Enabled Smart-DHCP (Fast Roaming off)
- Enabled Fast Roaming (Smart-DHCP off)
- Enabled Fast Roaming/Smart-DHCP
- Reinstalled the whole deco network a few times
- Setting QoS to 900/900 and 1000/1000 and disabling it again.
- Tried multiple other network cables between main Deco and modem, although the wired speed was ok.
- Tried different ports on the modem, no difference.
- I loaned a X50 v3 from someone and it was perfect.
- With a M4 v3 which I had laying around I had exactly the same issue, but they are known for their horrible speeds.
- I loaned a Netgear from someone, no issues.
- Placed a switch between the deco and modem, no difference.
We can conclude now the issue truly lies in the X20, maybe firmware related. Or do these things also have crooked chips like the M4?
Now what else can we do?