Can connect but not traffic accepted from Arduino UNO R4 WiFi
I have an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi unit that measures temperature and humidity and the idea is to send these measurements to a web service in cloud. I've been having problems with the arduino not being able to send the measurements to the web service and recently i concluded that it must have to do with the mesh network that I have. I connected the Arduino to my mobile hotspot and it can send the measurements through the mobile net without problem.
The Arduino is allowed to connect to the WiFi and I can see it in the list of Clients. I've also prioritized traffic from it without success. I can't find anything in logs that indicates that the M9 Mesh network is stopping traffic, however when browsing traffic by using Wireshark i get no traffic at all from the Arduino Unit.
The app för M9 Deco is quite sparse in terms of settings so I don't really know what to change.
The Arduino is an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi, based on the ESP32-S3 chip and I'm using these libraries to connect and send data WiFiS3 & ArduinoHttpClient.
Any ideas?