DECO p9 e AC1200
DECO p9 e AC1200
Good morning, I have installed a wi-fi network with 3 DECO p9. I only have one room left with a low signal, can I integrate it with an AC1200 repeater or do I necessarily have to get another DECO? Thank you
Good morning, I have installed a wi-fi network with 3 DECO p9. I only have one room left with a low signal, can I integrate it with an AC1200 repeater or do I necessarily have to get another DECO? Thank you
Hi, As for the AC1200, do you mean the range extender, like RE315?
I think you could consider Deco M3W:
lt looks/works quite similar to the range extender and it also belongs to the Deco Mesh family.
Thank you very much and best regards.
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