TPLink Archer8 Configuration with Fastweb
TPLink Archer8 Configuration with Fastweb
Good evening everyone. I have an internet contract with fastweb for which I requested a free modem (TP-Link). After numerous tinkering I finally managed to connect to the internet using the following VLAN settings. And also activating the NAT, since Fastweb from what I've read is a virtual network that goes out on the internet through the NAT. At this point I've decided to apply for a public IP, since I have numerous smart home devices that I need to control from outside the house. Fastweb assigned me a public IP, sent to me by SMS, but it seems that the router and my connection are not affected, even if I tried several times to setup the router. Do you happen to know if any particular configuration needs to be done? Support gave me spades as if you request a free modem you lose your right to support.