hi, using IP address to access NAS, copying from NAS to PC, in pictures I renamed file to be sure it is not cached.
picture 1
router uptime 2 days, internet connected, ethernet cables length 10 meters)
picture 2
direct connection PC-NAS (with same ethernet cable as in case 1)
picture 3
router freshly rebooted, internet disconnected, different ethernet cables length 2 meters)
picture 4
router freshly rebooted, internet connected, ethernet cables length 10 meters (same cables as in case 1)
picture 5
same as 4), copying different direction : from PC to NAS
UPDATE : I did factory reset on router and now I'am getting gigabit speeds (112MB/s) from the Archer. Very weird LOL. I will monitor if speeds are now stable or degrade again, will let you know.
My opinion on what happened : when I first setup router I enabled QOS for the NAS (low priority for the NAS IP address). I did not test LAN speeds, but probably they were already half - around 50MB/s. Then I updated firmware to current version (beta). Then I noticed very slow LAN speeds 20MB/s. Then I tried various configuration options in web setup, I disabled QOS - and speeds were back to 50-70MB/s, which is still not 1000mbit. So my conclusion is : that somehow QOS stayied enabled even after I disabled it router web configuration (maybe during firmware update process?). And when I tried to enabe them again, they were applied twice (that was the very slow 20MB/s speed when QOS was enabled). Just my opinion.