Translated in case anyone else wants to answer:
If I enter the ip address into the google after successful installation, it will ask for the password, give it admin and it will not take it. Another question ... I created a network, then added another satellite to the other room to the computer. It is better to connect this satellite utp cable with or without pc as it has pc wifi reception. And thirdly, I created a network such as jani, after adding a second satellite near the pc, Deco showed me in the pc ... For better wifi reception for the pc, both the jani and Deco networks should be connected, or just Deco ... ... Thank you for the answers !!!
1. You need to use the password for your TPLink account if you are trying to access the Deco admin area via the IP.
2. Using the cable would usually create a more reliable link to the Deco
3. Not sure what you're asking here as it didn't translate well.
1. Ak sa pokúšate o prístup do administračnej oblasti Deco cez IP, musíte použiť heslo pre svoj účet TPLink.
2. Použitím kábla by sa zvyčajne vytvorilo spoľahlivejšie prepojenie s Deco
3. Nie ste si istí, na čo sa tu pýtate, pretože to nebolo preložené dobre.