VotesAX50/3000 request to add more options.
AX50/3000 request to add more options.
hi, i would like to suggest more features to the AX50/3000 router, for example...
- a toggle to let you chose in what mode you wan't to get in into the config page (basic is by default) it would be nice if we can chose to enter on advanced mode directly.
- a toggle to let you chose how to sign in to the router.
- WDS 2 support.
- DCHP Server: let you rearrange or at least maintain the original reservation ID, turns out the first IP you assing would be the last and the last would always be the first. (it doesn't make any sense).
- let you rename clients in all pages not only on "basic/network map".
- let the router store credentials so you don't have to sign in with the tplink id every time you enter the config page.
- add bandwith control....i shouldn't have to say this but.... EVERY router NEEDS to have a bandwith control option.
- add bandwith control to guest networks.
- to let you chose specific apps and programs to add to the "application priority" under QoS tab...
- fine tune the device priority option so the router can better process this information to make high priority devices be HIGH priority, add more than 2 options, for example "low", "medium", "high" and "critical" priority options.
- make a more "robust" traffic monitor to have more options to see for example...what was the maximum/minimum download/upload speed... i don't care how much i downloaded i care at what speed i was downloading it, aslo add a montly option to see how much data was downloaded/uploaded.... let you chose what meassurment to display (Kbps, Mbps, etc)
- add whatchdog.
- add better and add missing descriptions of the different options that the router has.
- add a confirmation window before you delete something...
- add block client buttons to the DHCP Server tab.
- spanish translation is a disgrace.
thats all for now... be gone.