Printer Controller Utility crashes Windows 8
Printer Controller Utility crashes Windows 8
Region : Poland
Model : TD-W8968
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : TD-W8968_V1_120926
Recently I've switched to Windows 8 Pro 32bit (from Win XP) and since that moment I have problems with USB Printer Controller Utility. I was able to print test page successfully but printing larger documents (for example PDF file, about 15MB of data needs to be transferred to the printer) results in blue screen of death. Additionally if USB Printer Controller Utility is started "automatically wit Windows" switching user results in BSOD about 30 seconds after the second instance of Printer Controlled is loaded. Right now I've not found any way to use USB Printer connected to TD-W8968 while using W8.
WhoCrashes states that the crash cause was Printer Controller Utility. It is very easy to reproduce the crash.
Both firmware and the utility was downloaded from
According to this webpage TD-W8968_V1_USB Printer Controller Utility( For Windows) works in Windows 8.
According to W8968 works with Window 8 (after firmware upgrade which I did way before installing W8).
Any ideas/solutions/work arounds?
- Mak
Model : TD-W8968
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : TD-W8968_V1_120926
Recently I've switched to Windows 8 Pro 32bit (from Win XP) and since that moment I have problems with USB Printer Controller Utility. I was able to print test page successfully but printing larger documents (for example PDF file, about 15MB of data needs to be transferred to the printer) results in blue screen of death. Additionally if USB Printer Controller Utility is started "automatically wit Windows" switching user results in BSOD about 30 seconds after the second instance of Printer Controlled is loaded. Right now I've not found any way to use USB Printer connected to TD-W8968 while using W8.
WhoCrashes states that the crash cause was Printer Controller Utility. It is very easy to reproduce the crash.
Both firmware and the utility was downloaded from
According to this webpage TD-W8968_V1_USB Printer Controller Utility( For Windows) works in Windows 8.
According to W8968 works with Window 8 (after firmware upgrade which I did way before installing W8).
Any ideas/solutions/work arounds?
- Mak