One mesh for AX50

Hi can you please tell me why one mesh support has dropped for the AX50 as it was Coming Soon which lead to me buying the router 2 weeks ago?
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Hello, sorry for any inconvenience.
We don't suggest our customers purchase any device for a feature that is not supported yet, as plans will change.
If this is the only reason you purchased the AX50, it is suggested to contact your reseller to see if he can help with the return or replacement (with one supports Onemesh).
Good days.
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Hello, thank you for asking again. Unfortunately, as we replied to others on the community that the Archer AX50 will not receive an update to OneMesh, it might be limited by the chipset, but we cannot understand more with the technical limitations or feasibility.
May I know when and where did you purchase it? Have you contacted the local tech support to confirm this? If not yet, we suggest you contact the local tech support to check if they can help with anything about this issue.
Have a nice day.
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Hello, sorry for any inconvenience.
We don't suggest our customers purchase any device for a feature that is not supported yet, as plans will change.
If this is the only reason you purchased the AX50, it is suggested to contact your reseller to see if he can help with the return or replacement (with one supports Onemesh).
Good days.
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Thanks for your reply. Perhaps it would be advisable as a company to not say "Coming Soon" on products unless the feature is indeed coming which in trurn would give customers and potential customers accurate information. I believe it is actually false advertising. No wonder the AX50 was removed from the list of OneMesh routers from your website bit late mind.
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Hi, thanks a lot for your advice, we will surely forward your suggestion to the related department and avoid such kind of "false-advertising".
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Just bought an entire home setup based upon the compatibility page. There is no legal notice on your website delcaring facts are indicative at best.
You sould issue a refund. Immediately.
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Good luck on getting my money ever again. TP-Link is a dishonest company, STAY AWAY!!!
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Cześć. Udało mi się kieszenie AX50 do sklepu w celu uzyskania zwrotu pieniędzy. Złożyłem rozwiązanie i odniosłem się do stwierdzenia, że zakupiony towar nie jest zgodny z opisem. Odniosłem się do korespondencji z TP-Link. Reklamacja została dotknięta, mimo że router został zakupiony w maju roku. Archer AX50 to chyba projekt nieudany ... Podejrzewam, że procesor sobie nie radzi, dlatego wszystkie zapowiadane nowości są po plecach. Z użytego użytkowania AX50 przez 3 miesiące muszę powiedzieć, że router bardzo się nagrzewa, co oznacza, że jego wydajność w ciągu dnia spada. Cóż, ostatnio często się zawieszał i tracił łączność z Internetem, więc musiałem go resetować co 2 dni. Chciałem mieć router z perspektywą na kilka lat (wifi 6) ale niestety nie jest to sprzęt wydajny nawet w cenie, która nie była wygórowana. Ze względu na to, że posiadam wzmacniacz RE305 przystosowany do jednej siatki, zdecydowałem się na Archera C7 ... stara konstrukcja po kilku liftingach, ale ma siateczkę co dla mnie jest po prostu ważne, bo mam dwie dom parterowy. Archera C7 testuję od tygodnia i stwierdzam, że w praktyce nie odbiega od AX50 i wraz ze wzmacniaczem cały mój dom ... i to był priorytet. Z poważaniem
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@Kevin_Z easy for you to say, it's long past 30 days.
You represent a deceitful company, shame on you. Never ever buying TP-Link again
I'm lodging an ACCC complaint against you.
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I also purchased the AX50 because I expected OneMesh to be supported. I use an older Archer router with OneMesh support in a different location but wanted a newer router with later specs. I would have never purchased the AX50 if the "coming soon" hadn't been there or if the router had not been on the "planned" list. I am outside the return window on Amazon.
This fully fits the definition of false advertising. You advise people to not purchase based on "coming soon" or "planned" labeling. As a company representative it is completely ridiculous that customers be asked to not make purchase decisions based on your own advertising. In effect you are saying, "Don't make purchase decisions based on what we write about our products." And relying on a disclaimer is laughable. This is bad business and will cause you to lose customers.
I have been a very satisfied TP-Link customer who has bought multiple devices over time. Future purchases will be from companies who stand behind what they say.
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