AX6000 Port Forwarding Problem
AX6000 Port Forwarding Problem
I am trying to add a range of ports to forward to a device on my network but it seems the amount of ports you can add is limited. I am unsing a beta firware given by uour support team to resolve a wifi disconnection issue (1.0.7 Build 20191203 rel.80781). Am I doing something wrong?
I am trying to forward these ports:
TCP Ports: | 1024-1124,1935,3216,3478-3480,9960-9969,18000,18060,18120,27900,28910,29900 |
UDP Ports: | 1024-1124,3074,3478-3479,18000,29900,37000-40000 |
Please let me know how I may accomplish this.
Thank you,