Connectivity and Signal strength isseu

Hello Everyone
Trust you are good, i have an issue hopefully we can sorf know where is the problem.
1- I have the DECO M9 PLUS PACK 3, it is setup and working functioning magically, except for one device.
2-That device is an internet connector used by a company called MultiChoice in the product called DSTV explora decoder, that wireless device is a wifi connector that get plugged into the DSTV decoder and connects the DSTV to the internet and network.
3-a- The WIFI connector which is called USB3000 by the DSTV and called VAP300MC by the company that nakes it
b- How can you help me find if that dongle can support mesh wifi and why is the signal so weak even the 2nd node is 1m away from it and i have tried and moved man DECO closer about 3m and signal is still weak. adding that if Fast Roaming option is ON the wifi doesn not connect but if i turn it OFF the device cinnects to the internet BUT still weak signal.
c- Is DECO M9 compatible with all the internet wifi standards ?
Kind Regards
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The Deco M9 plus supports wifi, zigbee and bluetooth. To find whether the connector supports mesh wifi, it is suggested to contact their tech support cause they are more professional about their products.
Meanwhile, you said the signal strength is weak, what is the strength value? Where did you get that?
Besides, you can disable fast roaming, setup QoS as standard and clear all the high priority items to give it a go.
May it help and have a nice day.
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Hello Kevin
Thanks for the reply..
I have done that and the DSTV was able to connect after i disabled the Fast Roaming (which is a bad thing like disabling the ABS system on your car for your reverse camera to work), the QoS and high priority devices did not do anything..
I have switched the DECOs to AP mode with other single TP LINK router just to test the functionality and the performance was the same as a router mode, and i have noticed after i switched on the WIFI on the single router, that the signal of that router is showing full strength by the USB3000 and it was next to the main DECO 10m away but the DECO's signal is weak even with the 2nd node being close 1m to the USB3000 dongle.
Also noticed a strange weak detected SSID (SCXNK003E9833) by the USB3000 and it doesn't exist, and it is not constant as well, it appears and then it disappears it seeems its something integrated in the DECO that is been detected separately , because when i clicked to connect to that network while the Fast Roaming was off, it went in but it was my SSID which is my DECO system..
I have done wifi analysis and everything seems to be good, what it is causing the legacy devices not to work with DECO, or what is causing DECO not to work with them under 802.11k/r/v ??
Do not bother contacting the teches of that product they are useless, actually individuals from the forum are much more active and helpful than the hired support team.
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The Deco M9 plus supports ethernet backhaul and wifi backhaul, besides, there is a 5GHz-2 existed to work for wifi backhaul only. You can refer to the thread below:
Meanwhile, for the legacy devices, do they support 5Ghz? As far as I know, some legacy devices support 2.4GHz only and the channel need to be fixed or so. With fast roaming enabled, once it switched to the 5Ghz from 2.4GHz, it may stop working, or has weak signal strength/lose connection.
You can configure the Deco M9 plus as the router mode, while for the single router, you can connect it to the Deco and configure it as a 2nd router to provide strong signal strength for the legacy devices.
Nice ady.
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Yes the USB3000 does support the 5GHz as well as 2.4 GHz bands... i have seen both of them listed in the network lost of that USB dongle and with a strong signal and the router was located where the main DECO is
So no matter how close or far you are, the USB3000 always show a weak signal of the DECO network and it will not connect to it unless you switch the Fast Roaming off
To have another router or wifi extender as a solution it pathetic to me.. why sould i get DECO in first place if o have to use another equipment for my wifi devices to connect to the network?!!
Is the DECOs not compliant with legacy devices ?!!!
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It has nothing to do with fast roaming, other devices can get internet smoothly and this USB3000 can connect to the wifi with it disabled. You can keep an eye on the fast roaming page: Turnning on this feature may result in some older wireless device being disconnected from the Deco Network. So it is more related to the USB3000 which does not support fast roaming.
We will focus on the weak signal strength issue.
Back to your case, we can try to do further analysis, if still the same, I'm afraid that there is not much we can do.
1. What is the model number of the other single TP-Link router?
2. Try to disable 5Ghz on Deco and enable 2.4GHz only, then connect the USB3000 to it and test the stability and performance.
3. If it works fine, you can enable a separate 2.4GHz guest network for the USB3000 to make it work; otherwise, you need connect the other router to the Deco and provide internet for the USB3000.
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding in advance, and have a nice day.
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1. Interesting point about enabling a guest network. Are you suggesting that the "Guest network" can be enabled without FR enabled?
How many networks can be enabled on the M9 Plus? I was under the impression only, two, On normal private Network and one Guest Network?
2. The Guest Network can be configured without the fancy features such as BeamForming, FR and AP Steering?
3. Activating the separate router, colocated with the Main Node will set up a second "network" in the same bands. Can a second router be connected to any of the Nodes in this fashion? How does one then prevent both the networks setup competing for the same channels? Hence why I cannot understand why the Deco M9 Plus does not allow for channel pre-selection to help to avoid "interference" with congested channels form other networks?
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Thats what i thought the USB3000 doesn’t support 802.11r but some teches suggest that could be the DECO that is not downward compatible with legacy devices nad it is not mature enough..
1-The single router i have used is Ancher MC200 i used it before i got my Fiber and turned it into router mode, also the extender RE450 shos a full signal and works
2- I have done this test before and it didn’t change anything, the connectivity always requires a FR off and the internet stability is ok but the signal is weak
3- i have done it and i repeated today.. the signal for both is weak and also only work if FR is off..
After disabling the guest wifi i could still see the SSID but this time it was full signal with no lock/password next to it
It looks like DSTV saves all the SSID that i clicked on in some short memory... because usually when i reboot the DSTV the list get removed except for guest network maybe because it was broadcasted from same device that is still borad
Yes it looks like the two devices are not made for each other
Thanks for the support
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Thanks for your feedback.
For this legacy device, you can use the MR200 or the RE450 to provide internet to get better signal strength as a workaround for now. There is no option to downward compatiblity of the Deco.
After you disable guest network, theoretically you won't be able to see the guest network anymore. You can refresh the wifi list of your device to double check it.
Good day.
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Fir now i have the DSTV wired to the 2nd node and its working nicely
The only way to refresh that list is to reboot the DSTV and i have done twice that’s how i got rid off the strange SSID but the guest network is still showing there, this is the DSTV firmare issue as far as im concern and it has nothing to do with DECO
My problem is that DSTV doesn’t support Fast Roaming and i will not turn it off just for that, also the wifi strength that is either cuased by DECO or DSTV and that’s what i want to know..
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