Best option to extend Wi-Fi
Best option to extend Wi-Fi
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I have a good dual band Wi-Fi router, unfortunately it is at one end of the house. The furthest away part of the house (About 50%) has poor or limited signal. I want to get the best possible dual band capability to this part of the house and have the two joined up in the best possible way as I have a network storage devise in the week signal area that can be used to stream content. I thought about a high spec power line Wi-Fi extender but although on the same consumer unit they would be on separate ring mains and only connected via the fuse box so this may limit the throughput. I do have an Ethernet cable from my router to the area I need to boost the Wi-Fi so think a high spec wireless acces point would be the best option with a wired connection. My only concern is this if not setup properly will creat two separate Wi-Fi networks and I think they could be setup to act as one. I am looking for suggestions on the best picece of kit that will give me seamless Wi-Fi end to end, any suggestions?
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I have a good dual band Wi-Fi router, unfortunately it is at one end of the house. The furthest away part of the house (About 50%) has poor or limited signal. I want to get the best possible dual band capability to this part of the house and have the two joined up in the best possible way as I have a network storage devise in the week signal area that can be used to stream content. I thought about a high spec power line Wi-Fi extender but although on the same consumer unit they would be on separate ring mains and only connected via the fuse box so this may limit the throughput. I do have an Ethernet cable from my router to the area I need to boost the Wi-Fi so think a high spec wireless acces point would be the best option with a wired connection. My only concern is this if not setup properly will creat two separate Wi-Fi networks and I think they could be setup to act as one. I am looking for suggestions on the best picece of kit that will give me seamless Wi-Fi end to end, any suggestions?