Using TL-MR3220 as a repeater behind an ADSL modem / router ?
Using TL-MR3220 as a repeater behind an ADSL modem / router ?
LEADING TOILET-roll producers are likely to turn to recyled material for even their premium brands over the next few years.
The recyled and part-recyled market accounts for about 15% of the toilet-tissue market - with the majority of sales in the economy sector.
The growth in recyled toilet tissue has been dramatic over the last couple of years; producers thought it would take five years to reach this point in development.
Rodney Ashford, marketing and sales director at Fort Sterling, says: "It has grown at a much faster rate than anyone could have predicted. We believe it has still got mileage within it."
He believes the growth in recycled tissues might slow down, but they could claim up to a quarter of the market within a few years.
Fort Sterling is already in the premium sector with its Nouvelle recycled brand, which claims to be a 15m [pounds] brand with a 3.2% market share.
Ark, the environmental lifestyle organisation and supplier of "green" products, believes other recycled brands will soon make inroads into the premium sector.
The group is already there with its Ark toilet tissue, said to be the only brand to contain 80% British newspaper - helping to create one of the few markets for recycled newsprint.
Greg Jephcott, Ark's managing director, says: "Toilet tissue cannot be recycled and so should be made from waste paper that is generally unsuitable for reprocessing into most other consumer products."
Ark's toilet tissue is produced by using 40% less energy and nearly 60% less water than unrecycled tissue.
"We believe that in two years' time the market will have developed so that all toilet paper - including premium ranges - will contain a percentage of recycled material processed by a non-chlorine bleach system," says Mr Jephcott.
Last year, British Tissues launched a range of 100% recycled toilet tissues under the Dixcel brand, to replace its Dixcel Family Value 50% recycled tissue products range.
Dixcel has been positioned between the economy and standard sectors and it was launched because more consumers were making purchasing decisions based as much on environmental considerations as on the traditional values of quality and price .
Even Scott has not ruled out the possibility that its brand-leading Andrex might eventually contain a proportion of recycled material.
The total toilet-tissue market grew by 7% in 1990 to 537m [pounds] (source: AGB/Fort Sterling), but volume was static at 302,000 tonnes.
Scott is forecasting a modest 1% increase in volume this year, with the value increasing by 5%.(How to choose the best flushing toilet-Click Here)
The toilet-tissue market is rapidly becoming a classic marketing scenario, with premium and economy sectors squeezing out the brands in the middle ground.
Mike Collins, trade marketing controller at Scott, says: "People have made a decision. They either go up into the premium sector, or for economic reasons, go down to economy brands."
The estimated market split in terms of quality is: premium 62.5%; standard 14.0%; economy 23.5%. (source: Nielsen/ Scott estimates)
The economic squeeze has also hit the growth in sales of multipacks, which Scott is predicting will remain static at 25% of sales in 1991.
"There has been a very dramatic change over the years because the bulk of sales used to be in two-rolls," says Mr Collins.
The growth of multipacks - eight-rolls and above - was fuelled by the increased number of superstores, but sales have not been so buoyant in recent months.
Rodney Ashford says: "If anything, when money is tight the tendency has been to reduce in-house stock and trade down to four-rolls."
Andrex, which has been brand leader for more than 30 years and is the fifth largest non-food product in the grocery market, is by far the most heavily supported toilet tissue in terms of advertising and promotion.Read more here:ToiletsZone
During 1991, Scott is putting 14m [pounds] behind Andrex, including its puppy commercials on TV. Kimberly-Clark's Velvet is the next best supported brand, receiving 4m [pounds] support in 1990.
Rodney Ashford says: "I don't think other brands, including Nouvelle, are likely to have very high advertising spends and we wonder how our competitors can afford such high levels in a time of recession."
The recyled and part-recyled market accounts for about 15% of the toilet-tissue market - with the majority of sales in the economy sector.
The growth in recyled toilet tissue has been dramatic over the last couple of years; producers thought it would take five years to reach this point in development.
Rodney Ashford, marketing and sales director at Fort Sterling, says: "It has grown at a much faster rate than anyone could have predicted. We believe it has still got mileage within it."
He believes the growth in recycled tissues might slow down, but they could claim up to a quarter of the market within a few years.
Fort Sterling is already in the premium sector with its Nouvelle recycled brand, which claims to be a 15m [pounds] brand with a 3.2% market share.
Ark, the environmental lifestyle organisation and supplier of "green" products, believes other recycled brands will soon make inroads into the premium sector.
The group is already there with its Ark toilet tissue, said to be the only brand to contain 80% British newspaper - helping to create one of the few markets for recycled newsprint.
Greg Jephcott, Ark's managing director, says: "Toilet tissue cannot be recycled and so should be made from waste paper that is generally unsuitable for reprocessing into most other consumer products."
Ark's toilet tissue is produced by using 40% less energy and nearly 60% less water than unrecycled tissue.
"We believe that in two years' time the market will have developed so that all toilet paper - including premium ranges - will contain a percentage of recycled material processed by a non-chlorine bleach system," says Mr Jephcott.
Last year, British Tissues launched a range of 100% recycled toilet tissues under the Dixcel brand, to replace its Dixcel Family Value 50% recycled tissue products range.
Dixcel has been positioned between the economy and standard sectors and it was launched because more consumers were making purchasing decisions based as much on environmental considerations as on the traditional values of quality and price .
Even Scott has not ruled out the possibility that its brand-leading Andrex might eventually contain a proportion of recycled material.
The total toilet-tissue market grew by 7% in 1990 to 537m [pounds] (source: AGB/Fort Sterling), but volume was static at 302,000 tonnes.
Scott is forecasting a modest 1% increase in volume this year, with the value increasing by 5%.(How to choose the best flushing toilet-Click Here)
The toilet-tissue market is rapidly becoming a classic marketing scenario, with premium and economy sectors squeezing out the brands in the middle ground.
Mike Collins, trade marketing controller at Scott, says: "People have made a decision. They either go up into the premium sector, or for economic reasons, go down to economy brands."
The estimated market split in terms of quality is: premium 62.5%; standard 14.0%; economy 23.5%. (source: Nielsen/ Scott estimates)
The economic squeeze has also hit the growth in sales of multipacks, which Scott is predicting will remain static at 25% of sales in 1991.
"There has been a very dramatic change over the years because the bulk of sales used to be in two-rolls," says Mr Collins.
The growth of multipacks - eight-rolls and above - was fuelled by the increased number of superstores, but sales have not been so buoyant in recent months.
Rodney Ashford says: "If anything, when money is tight the tendency has been to reduce in-house stock and trade down to four-rolls."
Andrex, which has been brand leader for more than 30 years and is the fifth largest non-food product in the grocery market, is by far the most heavily supported toilet tissue in terms of advertising and promotion.Read more here:ToiletsZone
During 1991, Scott is putting 14m [pounds] behind Andrex, including its puppy commercials on TV. Kimberly-Clark's Velvet is the next best supported brand, receiving 4m [pounds] support in 1990.
Rodney Ashford says: "I don't think other brands, including Nouvelle, are likely to have very high advertising spends and we wonder how our competitors can afford such high levels in a time of recession."