Help about Archer C2300 v1.0 and Parental control
Help about Archer C2300 v1.0 and Parental control
Model :
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
I hade one :
2.0.0 Build 20170922 Rel. 32364
Archer C2300 v1.0
2.0.0 Build 20170922 Rel. 32364
I cant create a profile for use the Parental controls on Home Care, on last page, about the time, all fields torns red and I cant save the profile, I tryed a lot...
All functions in Home care does not work on my device, this is normal?
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
I hade one :
2.0.0 Build 20170922 Rel. 32364
Archer C2300 v1.0
2.0.0 Build 20170922 Rel. 32364
I cant create a profile for use the Parental controls on Home Care, on last page, about the time, all fields torns red and I cant save the profile, I tryed a lot...
All functions in Home care does not work on my device, this is normal?