No connection after 1-2 year of good working on wpa2220kit
No connection after 1-2 year of good working on wpa2220kit
Model : TL-WPA2220
Hardware Version : 1.0
Firmware Version :
I have WPA220Kit in 1 power outlet wtihout changes (3 rooms far from router and adapter) for 1-2 years it was working perfectly but now there is no connection (pairing). There wasn't changes in the rooms. There is connection now but in 1 room? I reseted extender but no changes? What is going on?
Hardware Version : 1.0
Firmware Version :
I have WPA220Kit in 1 power outlet wtihout changes (3 rooms far from router and adapter) for 1-2 years it was working perfectly but now there is no connection (pairing). There wasn't changes in the rooms. There is connection now but in 1 room? I reseted extender but no changes? What is going on?