cannot connect WDR3600 to modem and internet....
cannot connect WDR3600 to modem and internet....
Model : TL-WDR3600
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
ISP : BskyB
Here's the situation.
I bought the 3600 to replace the rubbish router from my ISP. As the 3600 has no modem I bought a separate ADSL modem too.
But no connection seems to work!
I can connect PC > 3600 web GUI perfectly
I can connect PC > modem > internet perfectly.
But always fail to make the connection
PC > Router > modem > internet
I started by putting the ADSL modem in bridge mode, and trying to authenticate on the 3600 using PPPoE. No success.
I tried connecting my PC to a 3600 LAN port, and the 3600 WAN port to the ISP router LAN port. The ISP router then connects to the web. The ISP router was set up with a different IP range and DCHP enabled. DHCP was then enabled on the 3600. Again, I can connect from my PC to the 3600 GUI perfectly, but there is no connection to the internet.
Am I doing something completely stupid here? Or is the problem that the 3600 can only connect on PPPoE where my ISP in the UK is PPPoA? But shouldn’t having an ADSL modem – or even a second router - manage this?
Please help – this is doing my head in!!!!!
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
ISP : BskyB
Here's the situation.
I bought the 3600 to replace the rubbish router from my ISP. As the 3600 has no modem I bought a separate ADSL modem too.
But no connection seems to work!
I can connect PC > 3600 web GUI perfectly
I can connect PC > modem > internet perfectly.
But always fail to make the connection
PC > Router > modem > internet
I started by putting the ADSL modem in bridge mode, and trying to authenticate on the 3600 using PPPoE. No success.
I tried connecting my PC to a 3600 LAN port, and the 3600 WAN port to the ISP router LAN port. The ISP router then connects to the web. The ISP router was set up with a different IP range and DCHP enabled. DHCP was then enabled on the 3600. Again, I can connect from my PC to the 3600 GUI perfectly, but there is no connection to the internet.
Am I doing something completely stupid here? Or is the problem that the 3600 can only connect on PPPoE where my ISP in the UK is PPPoA? But shouldn’t having an ADSL modem – or even a second router - manage this?
Please help – this is doing my head in!!!!!