DHCP Client lookups on WDR4300
DHCP Client lookups on WDR4300
Region : Germany
Model : TL-WDR4300
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : 3.13.33 Build 130617 Rel.46239n
From earlier routers and modems I am used to the fact that the router's DNS will register all of the DHCP clients.
So doing an nslookup on one of those clients should work, but it doesn't. I have set a Default domain on the router
and am also using that domain on my Windows 8.1 PC.
ID Client Name MAC Address Assigned IP Lease Time
6 dm8000 XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
That's a typical DHCP client entry. However, "dm8000" and "dm8000.local.lan" both can't be resolved. Why is that?
Model : TL-WDR4300
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : 3.13.33 Build 130617 Rel.46239n
From earlier routers and modems I am used to the fact that the router's DNS will register all of the DHCP clients.
So doing an nslookup on one of those clients should work, but it doesn't. I have set a Default domain on the router
and am also using that domain on my Windows 8.1 PC.
ID Client Name MAC Address Assigned IP Lease Time
6 dm8000 XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
That's a typical DHCP client entry. However, "dm8000" and "dm8000.local.lan" both can't be resolved. Why is that?