TL-WPA2220KIT AV200 vs AV500 speed
TL-WPA2220KIT AV200 vs AV500 speed
Region : UnitedKingdom
Model : TL-WPA2220
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
I've seen that the TL-WPA2220KIT is available as an AV200 or AV500 version
Given that the Network sockets are 10/100Mbps what is the benefit of the AV500 version over the AV200 version?
Surely data transfer is limited to the slowest part of the equipment - which will be the Router to the first home plug
Router----100Mbps----Home Plug -------200/500Mbps-----Home Plug )))) 300Mbps Device
So, what is the advantage of AV500 version over the AV200 version?
Model : TL-WPA2220
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version :
I've seen that the TL-WPA2220KIT is available as an AV200 or AV500 version
Given that the Network sockets are 10/100Mbps what is the benefit of the AV500 version over the AV200 version?
Surely data transfer is limited to the slowest part of the equipment - which will be the Router to the first home plug
Router----100Mbps----Home Plug -------200/500Mbps-----Home Plug )))) 300Mbps Device
So, what is the advantage of AV500 version over the AV200 version?