Archer VX1800v no telephony without WiFi
Hi there.
I have a Archer VX1800v modem/WiFi router/VOIP device which I am very happy with. I have a VOIP home phone which is cabled into the phone port of the modem, a laptop dock Ethernet cabled to the modem and a large number of WiFi devices (computers, TVs, phones, iPads, printers etc. etc.).
My son does not have a mobile phone of his own and sometimes if we wants to stay home from school I disable the WiFi so he doesn't spend the next few hours day playing video games or on YouTube. But I would like him to be able to call me from home if he needs anything.
When I disable the WiFi by unchecking the Enable box in the Basic/Wireless tab of the modem software, the VOIP phone also stops working. Since it is physically cabled into the modem, why does disabling WiFi stop the VOIP phone from being able to make or receive calls?
Any advice appreciated,