Wifi Adapter USB TL-WN823N is only having Link Speed of 144,4 MBits/s

Wifi Adapter USB TL-WN823N is only having Link Speed of 144,4 MBits/s

Wifi Adapter USB TL-WN823N is only having Link Speed of 144,4 MBits/s
Wifi Adapter USB TL-WN823N is only having Link Speed of 144,4 MBits/s
2025-01-25 17:36:46
Model: TL-WN823N  
Hardware Version: V4
Firmware Version: V4 and tested V3 also

I had the same Problem as the people from this thread here "My wireless wifi adapter n usb Tl-wn823n tplink isnt reaching 300 mbps - Home Network Community"


I dont understand does this mean you put on false advertisment on the stick? I need the whole 300 Mbps not only half. However in the way i understood the other thread the 300 Mbps with which it is advertised is just a bait and has actually a really bad performance?

3 Reply
Re:Wifi Adapter USB TL-WN823N is only having Link Speed of 144,4 MBits/s
2025-01-25 18:58:07





It is not fully clear to me whether the thread you linked to is about link speed or actual data throughput.


Anyway, the TL-WN823N can definitely achieve a link speed of 300 Mbps, provided the Wi-Fi router supports 2x2 MIMO (or better) and 40 MHz channel width.


As mentioned by Joseph-TP in the other thread, make sure your router's 2.4 Ghz Wi-Fi channel width is set to "40 Mhz" and not to something like "20 MHz", "Auto" or "20/40 MHz" (which is the same as "Auto").

Re:Wifi Adapter USB TL-WN823N is only having Link Speed of 144,4 MBits/s
2025-01-25 20:40:46

  @derzocker0202 thanks for the fast reply. I dont know with other devices I dont have such a issue I tried setting the Router different however I only have auto or 20mh or 20/40mhz for the 2.4ghz frequence do you have any other possible solutions? The screenshot is in german however I think it still give insight idk xD 

Re:Wifi Adapter USB TL-WN823N is only having Link Speed of 144,4 MBits/s
2025-01-25 22:05:51



So, you are saying other Wi-Fi devices you have connect to the same 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network with 300 Mbps link speed at the same time that the TL-WN823N only shows a link speed of 144 Mbps?


If so, then try a few more things:
- Make sure the computer with the TL-WN823N is not too far away from the Wi-Fi router. At greater distances the link speed may drop.
- If the computer is a desktop PC and you have plugged the TL-WN823N into an USB port on the rear panel (where all the cables are), then try to use a front USB instead. Some PCs cause substantial interference at the rear.
- Go into the Device Manager of Windows and then open the "Properties" of the TL-WN823N (most likely named "TP-Link Wireless USB Adapter"). In the "Advanced" tab verify that the "Bandwidth" was not somehow set to "20MHz only".


What is the version number of the driver used for the TL-WN823N? Is it 1030.44.1014.2024?


By the way, it seems the screenshot you mentioned didn't get uploaded.
