Connecting Bose home speaker 300 with TP-link Deco X60 mesh wifi 6

Connecting Bose home speaker 300 with TP-link Deco X60 mesh wifi 6

Connecting Bose home speaker 300 with TP-link Deco X60 mesh wifi 6
Connecting Bose home speaker 300 with TP-link Deco X60 mesh wifi 6
2 weeks ago
Model: Deco X60  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:



It is impossible to connect the Bose speaker to the Bose app in my home.

Wifi is perfect and works on all other devices...


Bose box works on other Wifi networks without the TP link deco installed.

How can I fix this? Is this a known problem.


I did try to put mesh out en to put it on 2.4 and not 5... But did not work...


Kind regards

1 Reply
Re:Connecting Bose home speaker 300 with TP-link Deco X60 mesh wifi 6
a week ago



Hi, welcome to our  community.

You may follow the steps in the troubleshooting guide: Certain Clients fail to connect to Deco Wi-Fi

As other client devices can connect to the Deco network properly, it is also suggested to contact the Bose support for some help.




