Can UE300C be used to provide internet from mobile to WiFi router using Ethernet Sharing?
Hello Everyone
I live in a village where a proper broadband connection is a task to get. Even there is one service provider called NXT Digital the Internet speeds are also very slow. Mobile Hotspot speeds are far better than this but Turning on my mobile Hotspot for longer hours makes my mobile phone warm and battery performance seems to deteriorate.
I found my company using this USB Ethernet adapter at my work location. So I have doubt that can this device provide internet from a mobile device to a WiFi router using the Ethernet Sharing option in mobile. So all other devices at my home use Wi-Fi 6 signal to get good internet speeds even multiple devices connected at a time. I have an Archer AX1500, I wanted to use it for WiFi connection at my home using this Ethernet Adapter connected to my secondary 5G mobile. Can this work? If it works? Can I use my other router Archer MR600 for the range extender?