Archer VR1210V V2 problem VOIP TIM (DNS SRV record are not supported)
I've bought the modem to use with my ISP TIM.
The connection work very well the problem is VOIP.
My ISP provided me the outbound proxy but the modem is not capable to resolve the IP address due the need of a DNS SRV request.
I've made it work doing on the PC a nslookup of type srv with _sip_udp prefix using the alfanumeric adress (_sip_udp.xxxxx.xx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx) of outbound proxy to find an address, then a request of type A on that address to find an ip to put in the outbound proxy voip configuration and it work like a charm but is not an accceptable solution.
Is it possible fix this with a FW or i've to buy another modem?