PGW2440 KIT Disconnecting Adapter from Virgin Media HUB - Unable to update Adapter Firmware
As per the title. I have been trying to get this working all day and to no avail. A full hard reboot of the adapter will connect for a time, then it will just no longer connect to the VM Hub. All lights stay illuminated, but looking at the Ethernet port on the hub it will no longer be active, and the management web server will show no LAN connection, either.
I was able to update the Extender as per this link :
However, the Adapter will not accept the file. It just says invalid filetype (it's the pgw2440v1_eu-up-ver1-0-2-P1-20230406-rel56767-APPLC.bin that is downloaded from the site). I am unable to locate any specific firmware that's for the adaptor specifically and I can't find any information on this specific problem.
The connection speeds between the Adatper and Extender are great, and when they are connected it works as expected, it's just the odd part of disconnecting from the hub after ~5m and requiring a hard reboot of the adapter.
I have also disabled the powersave mode from both, and made sure there's no powersave mode directly on my MOBO Network Adapter, either.
Any advice would be great, otherwise I'll just have to return these and look for an alternative product that offers similar speeds.
Many thanks.