upgrading a deco from m4 to x50
my setup now where the modem is connected to Main deco is M4 unit other deco,s.In that house i have two more deco on the second flor which is conected wireless and it is deco E4 .I other house i have one more deco E4 whic is connected to main deco by internet cable on the gigabit port.Leter i would draw a schematics of my setup and other scematic i would draw my future setup which i want to connect if its possible.My question is can i install a deco x50 instead my current main deco,which is M4 and have more flow rate and in other house install that M4 using an internet cable.While the other deco E4 satelittes would remain connected wirelessly.Is it possible to do this and how i should i do it.Of course i believe i would have to create a new network.And would i have to somehow reset my current master deco M4 so that is no longer master he then X50.