TP-Link Router Archer C6 4.0 refuses to connect to SONOFF device POWR316 ewelink or tasmota
I have a number of
Sonoff Basic
Sonoff POW 2
Sonoff T0US -which all connect to any of the five TP-Link routers I have
The new Sonoff POWR316 and my NetHome Plus EU-OSK105 cannot connect to any TP-Link AP in my network.
I disabled 5 GHz to illuminate the mix, and tried all Security settings, but none allows connection
Termite software reports as follows:
00:09:40.154 WIF: Connecting to AP1 ERASMITV in mode as tasmota-6AC4C4-1220...
00:09:43.480 WIF: Connect failed as AP cannot be reached
00:09:44.508 WIF: Connecting to AP2 ERASMI in mode as tasmota-6AC4C4-1220...
00:09:56.833 WIF: Connect failed with AP timeout
I also tried the IoT Network on the TP-Link - Makes not difference. The TP-Link does not allow the Sonoff to connect
When I use a pocket LTE router that connects to TP-Link first and serves WiFi the Sonoff and NetHome connect fine
this URL reports exactly the same issue.
When will TP-Link sort it out
Any suggestions to resolve this so I can use IoT on TR-Link