Homeshield Sleep Time not working

Homeshield Sleep Time not working

37 Reply
Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago







I think I've cracked it, 


I used my boys phone just for test purposes. 



Firstly I have many alexa devices round my house so I have the alexa app. 


I opened the alexa app up set up 2 routines. 


1 to turn the guest wifi to come on at 20:50, the second to turn the guest wifi off @ 21:15. 





Selected wifi access ( I would have to repeat all steps for all 3 of my routers incase they roam all over my house to bottom of my garden)



Selected my kitchen (main)




Forgot to screen shot in-between but repeated for on and off routine 


Selected the guest wifi and connected 







I tried to set a profile up via the profile page and then add the 'new' device to the new profile, couldn't find it so I opened the client list Selected the new device then clicked on family then made new profile that way with the new device. 


I set up simple rules for bed time and off time and a few blocked website names and they was all blocked. 


21:15 rolls round wifi restricted for the cut off times then the guest wifi shut off completely 


Tried searching for the names in blocked websites that I entered wouldn't show me any as was hoping for. 



And if you really want to be spiteful set a download limit of 1mb, 


You won't be able to online game with those low speeds haha 

Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
3 weeks ago



No, that is an issue regarding a specific web address being blocked.  That's not what I'm talking about 

Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
3 weeks ago



Hi, if it is not the reason of random MAC address and you have not returned the router, we would like to escalate your case to the support engineers for further research.

Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
3 weeks ago

  @Marvin_S please do.  Thank you

Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
2 weeks ago



Hi, to assist you efficiently, I've forwarded your case to the TP-Link support engineers who will contact you with your registered email address later. Please pay attention to your email box for follow-up.


Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
2 weeks ago



Hi, thanks for share your question.

Archer AX72 supports Homeshield, while Archer C4000 supports Homecare. So the setting rules of parental control on the two models are not total same.

For your situation, we need to confirm some details:

1. Please share the hardware and firmware of your router.

2. Except PS5, if you limit the internet time on other devices, does it work?

3. You may follow this guide to check your settings. Did the parental control feature can work properly in the past?

Thanks for your cooperation~

Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago



C4000 V3.0

Firmware 1.0.6 Build 20231010 rel.6028


The parental controls are set according to the guide you linked.  So far it appears to be only the PS5 that is affected.  Other devices are appropriately blocked at the set times.  What's happening is the Homecare parental controls go into effect, but only once the current PS5 game session is over.  My child can continue to play online past the set internet cutoff time as long as they are still in the same online match they were in when the cutoff time was reached.  Once the match ends, the PS5 is blocked by the router and they won't be able to join a new server/match until the set time in the parental controls.


See below I've included an example.  The screenshots show the device "PS5" is assigned to a bedtime rule that blocks internet at 11:00pm tonight (Sunday).  However, as you can see in the final image the PS5 is still sending and receiving data at 11:02.  I verified myself that my child was still in fact playing games at this time.  After he left his current match (11:17) the upload and download rates were 0.0 and the PS5s own network settings showed it as disconnected at that point. The result is the same when I use the "Pause" button on the Homecare parental controls screen to disable internet for that rule manually: the device isn't actually disconnected until the current match ends.  The only way to immediately sever the connection to the PS5 without waiting for the match is to use the "Block" button at the bottom of the client details screen, which bans the PS5 from the router entirely until I manually unblock it.


This is a problem because depending on the game, these matches can last for up to another hour past the cutoff time.  I need the parental controls to do its job and disconnect the PS5 at the set rule time regardless of what the PS5 is doing.


Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
2 weeks ago

  @Brp99 was you emailed from with a link to the firmware? 


Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
a week ago



The firmware is the latest one that I got through the "Firmware Update" function in the router's system page.

Re:Homeshield Sleep Time not working
a week ago

  @Brp99 excellent, I was emailed by they told me they would work on a fix, day later they had and sent me a link to login and download the patch, it was all too quick for me and the threw up some red flags, I mailed them back 3 days ago to ask why the fix cannot go out on general release through the normal channels and I'm not a fan of clicking links in emails from addresses I don't recognise, they never replied.

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